Shangri L'Affaires

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Shangri L'Affaires is the official organ of the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society.

Published in Los Angeles, California, U.S.A., Shangri L'Affaires is a long running zine with a number of editors at different times in its history. It is regarded as a focal point fanzine around which fandom could gather.

The first issue appeared in March 1940 and was published by Forrest J. Ackerman and Walt Daugherty. Throughout 1941 it was a split zine and was alternately backed with The Damn Thing, Polaris and Voice of the Imagi-Nation. Other editors in the 1940s were Arthur Joquel (FMZ Digest, Sun Trails) (1942-1943, 1944), Phil Bronson (The Fantasite, Scienti-Comics) (1943), Charles Burbee (1944-1947), Gerald Hewett (1945), Dale Hart (1948), E.E. Evans (1949) and Len Moffatt (1949).

In the 1950s, it was edited by Fred Hershey (1950), Rick Sneary (1951), Djinn Faine (1958-1959) and Al Lewis (1959).

In the 1960's, the editors were John Trimble and Bjo Trimble (1960-1961), Fred Patten (1961), Steve Tolliver (1963), Redd Boggs (The Lovecraftsman) (1963-1964), Ted Johnstone(1965), Ken Rudolph (1968).

Contributions included a column by Richard Bergeron (Warhoon).

Contributions of art work came from Richard Bergeron, Vaughn Bode, Tim Kirk and Bill Rotsler.

Other contributors included Len Atkins, Len Bailes, John Berry, Larry Janifer and Ted Johnstone.