Samiya Bird

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Samiya Bird is a zine editor, writer and musician from Berkeley, California.

Her first zine, released in 2009, was Medatrocity, a zine centered around the Bay Area's oldest cafe, Caffe Mediterraneum on Telegraph. Three issues have been released.

Along with writing zine reviews and doing collage art for the Slingshot Collective, Bird coedited and contributed to Gutter Soup, a zine put together by the editors of Later Daze, Dreams Of Donuts, Absolutely Zippo, As We Get Older and Stop Making Sense, among others, soon after the SF Zine Fest in 2010. She has also coedited Hell Times, a publication about Hellarity and the chaotic worlds that collective living can illuminate.

She has volunteered at The Book Zoo, an independent bookstore in Oakland, since 2009.

Bird is a percussionist and singer for the San Francisco-based band, Von der Berc's Cabaret. She has been known to play percussion on found objects such as film reels, bells, chalices and small pots hung from a broomstick suspended by two mic stands, along with several cymbals and a bass drum.



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