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Purple Myrtle Squeegy - A PMS Perzine

Purple Myrtle Squeegy - A PMS Perzine, Issue #4 - July 2012, the 24-Hour Zine Thing

Purple Myrtle Squeegy is a perzine written by Hadass S. Ben-Ari, in Jerusalm, Israel. It started in 2010 as a nonsense zine including articles that made sense solely to the writer. It later evolved into a diary style perzine including stories and rants about holidays, travels, music, playing guitar, being a punk and a metalhead grrrl, activism, art, DIY events and projects, feminism and riot grrrl. It sometimes also includes original drawings by the author, and a comics called Twigz.

This zine was used as a 24-hour zine thing project, and will be used as such in the future as well. The two first issues are half-page size, and the later ones are quarter-size. All issues are cut & paste, using black and white backgrounds and written by hand or typewriter. PMS has not yet been featured in any distros around the world or any zine events, but will be in the near future. There are available issues for sale or trade (preferably trade), along with complimentary copies of Fallopian Falafel Zine, by the same author.