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Delaine Derry Green (born Delaine Anna Derry, Galion, Ohio, 1970) is an artist and a zinester.

Delaine created My Small Diary autobio comics in 1993, a year after receiving her BFA from Auburn University. The strips were initially sent for publication in such zines as Brave New Tick and White Buffalo Gazette. The first compzine of My Small Diary strips came out in 1995. Not My Small Diary, a compilation of other artists' auto-bio comics, was first released in 1996. Still going strong, these comic zines have attracted a diverse, talented contributor base including such names as Donna Barr, Ed Repka, Hilary Barta, Edward Bolman, Brian Buniak, Ian Carney, Jonathon Edwards, Matt Fagan, Dave Kiersh, Missy Kulik, Carrie McNinch, Dan Moynihan, John Porcellino, Jesse Reklaw, Androo Robinson, Anne Thalheimer, Andi Watson, Jeff Zenick and hundreds more.

As of late 2006 there were thirteen issues of NMSD and three issues of MSD available. These zines have appeared in the following museum shows: "Dark Matter" at the Baltimore Museum of Art, 2004; "Art of Zines" at the San Jose Museum of Art, 2004; "Dear Diary: The Autobiographical Comic Book" at the Athens Institute of Contemporary Art, 2006. The Small Diary zines have ridden aboard the Mobilivre-Bookmobile traveling bookmobile that annually toured across North American between 2001 and 2006. They appear in several library collections including ones in Denver, Seattle and Utah among others.

Widely praised for excellent layout and design, the Small Diary collection has been well received by reviewers and readers the world over. NMSD and MSD have appeared on the Favorite Zine list of the now defunct Zine Guide publication. The books have been sold in stores such as Atomic Books, Quimby's and Tower Records as well as through several distros.

Over the years Delaine has contributed artwork to a number of zines and books including I Keee You: A Collection of Overheards by Atomic Books, Strum & Drang by Joel Orff, Fun Facts by Eric Lyden, SemiBold by Kathy Moseley, Back of a Car by Judith Beeman, Potluck and Low Hug by A.J. Michel, Unicorn by Dave Kiersh, Hungover Gourmet by Dan Taylor, Tearjerker by Misun Oh, Java Turtle by Lynne Lowe, Food Geek by Carrie McNinch, Scout Zine by Scout, Driver's Side Airbag by Michael Halchin, Brave New Tick by Paul Normal Dion-Deitch and more as well as contributing to and editing White Buffalo Gazette.

In her spare time Delaine creates fine art inspired by vintage dress patterns (50's, 60's 70's era). Her work includes acrylic paintings, mixed media pieces and 3-dimensional functional art. Her work is carried by Naked Art Gallery in Birmingham,

Delaine belongs to an APA called Cartoon Loonacy, is a member of AIGA and has attended small press conventions such as APE, SPX, Fluke and Zine-a-polooza. She is currently working on MSD 4.

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