David Mac

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David Mac was the editor of the Envy the Dead zine and the verbose MC of the F-Kripz, an early 90s hip-hop band that released a series of cassettes on their own Molotov Records label.

Originally a promotional magazine aimed at publicizing the F-Kripz releases "Envy the Dead," and "Concentration Camp Muzak," the ETD zine soon eclipsed its musical counterpart in significance, in part because of David Mac's tireless networking in the zine community and his penchant for provocation and controversy. A special booklet insert to ETD #4, entitled "Fucksheet Five," featured hundreds of short capsule reviews of other zines and small press publications, written by David Mac in his inimitable style -- equal parts wry comedy, reflective criticism, and zine-world boosterism. He died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound in 1996. Some of his last writing appeared in the form of a prolonged hallucinatory screed published in Shane Williams's Flipside column right around the time of his death.