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Caboose is a perzine written by Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. resident Liz Saidel.

Frequent topics include karaoke and Liz's job as a manager at Quimby's bookstore.

Selections from Caboose are reprinted in volume nine of Zine Yearbook, released in 2008.


  • #1 - Worst job interview ever, working at a Sanrio store, and childhood camping trips. (January 2002)
  • #2 - "The suckass CDs I've Traded issue." (June 2002)
  • #3 - "The Modular Karaoke issue." Karaoke stories, with contributions from fellow Quimby's employees Joe, Rachel, Pete and Dave. (December 2002)
  • #4 - "The Ridiculous issue." Working at a renaissance fair, obsessions with Henry Rollins, Ian McKaye and Jello Biafra.
  • #5 - "The Improvement issue." Working out at the gym, Courtney Love diet tips, and a review of Madonna's career.
  • #6 - "The Health & Recreation issue." Dealing with chronic pain and being diagnosed with fibromyalgia. (November 2007)

Contact information

caboosezine [at] yahoo [dot] com