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ZineWiki is an open-source encyclopedia devoted to zines and independent media. It covers the history, production, distribution and culture of the small press.

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This Week's Featured Article

Mark Perry back in 1976

Mark Perry was the publisher of the first UK punk zine Sniffin' Glue. Perry started his zine in July of 1976 after finding inspiration listening to the Ramones, then seeing them live. His zine title was also derived from a Ramones song. "It was the Ramones coming over was why I decided to do the fanzine. They came over supporting the Flamin' Groovies, who were doing the "Shake Some Action" tour and they were on Sire as well. They played the Roundhouse. It was damn rock and roll, feet on the monitors. Fantastic! Within a week, I got the fanzine out. I remember that there was a record shop called Rock On in Soho. I just asked, 'Are there any punk fanzines?' They said, 'Not much--do one yourself. Have a go.' So I did it very quickly."

Within a few months of his first issue, Perry quit his job as a bank clerk to do his zine, which became an essential part of the growing UK punk scene. As the most visible punk writer during the UK punk explosion, Perry became somewhat of a spokesperson in the mainstream press and was frequently interviewed about the punk rock scene.


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